Thursday, March 11, 2010

End Of Full Day One - Aches and Pains

Disclosure: If you are tempted to try a diet and exercise routine please clear it with a doctor first. I don't want anyone dying because they were doing something that they were not physically up to.

I woke up at 4am had three eggs, a can of green beans with lemon pepper sprinkled on them and a big apple for breakfast. I am trying to get off coffee so I only had one 16 oz instead of my usual 64 ounces. I did my newspaper posting and was out the door for the short two miles trip to work walking slightly up hill most of the way. I was wiped out when I got to work and I am thinking if the diet doesn't kill me the walking will.

I had about 8 smoked almonds on break and water at work. For lunch I had a lb. of salad loaded with eggs, turkey, and cheese with balsamic vinegar dressing. I was getting the shakes because of not enough coffee so I had another cup of coffee.

After work I took the long way and walked two and a half miles home. I was aching in my hips and knees as I have not done much walking this winter.

For supper I had another can of green beans and a can of sliced mushrooms sprinkled with more lemon pepper and a small can of tuna with milk.

So I avoided most carbs and so far I am not feeling deprived.

I purposely went to the Elgin Image Awards late to avoid most of the snack hour. I want to congratulate all the winners and those who were nominated as well. I got an inspiration as to who I will nominate next year or what group.

It was not easy to find a seat but I managed to sit at a table with one of my favorite councilman Dave Kaptain and his wife Sandy. I saw Laura Dion Jones who is our Biggest Loser Weight Coach and her husband Elroy. She was very pleased with what I had accomplished for day one.

This weight losing contest is just what I need to prepare for the coming election campaign season.

Government has an obesity problem at all levels and it is going to take more people with common sense and independence to help government stop the binging on taxpayer dollars so the taxpayers have a chance to fatten their wallets for a change.

Common Sense, Independent, Clarence Hayward

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